8 Room Service Horror Stories – What Happens When It All Goes Wrong!
You know that hotel cleanliness and service go hand in hand with customer loyalty.
One of the first ratings potential guests look for before booking your property are customer reviews of your hotel service. (tweet this) Quality service is also key to visitors returning to your hotel.
But, what happens when the tables are turned, and your staff is met with something unseemingly?
We took to the Internet to find out.
In this article, we look at eight room service horror stories and what happens when it all goes wrong!
#1: The Trail of Poop
Just imagine, you are the housekeeping supervisor, checking your email, when you get a phone call from a frantic guest requesting you on the fourth floor.
Once you arrive, you see a trail of poop leading from the elevators to the end of the hall. Holding your nose and cringing, you summon your crew for clean-up.
While your rather large team was cleaning up the trail, an older woman walked out of the room where the poo trail abruptly ended. She appeared completely normal and un-phased by the poo.
You decide to head back down the elevator with a shake of your head.
The story isn’t over there, though. In the morning, one of your housekeepers calls you crying because the bathtub in the woman’s room was completely filled to the top with poop.
This is certainly a horror story that epitomizes what happens when it all goes wrong.
#2: The Potential Crime Scene
This room service horror story is a real page turner.
At this hotel, an older man went to the front desk to check out. He handed the manager an extra $50 and said, “This is for the inconvenience.”
He didn’t elaborate any more than that.
Later that day, housekeeping visited his room to clean it for the next guest and found blood everywhere.
It was on the floors, the bathroom mirror and all over the shower.
The staff never figured out where the blood came from. What they did do was call the police because it looked like a murder scene.
In the end, they had to have a special hazmat cleaner come in to remove the blood and disinfect the room.
#3: The Lake View
For this hotel employee, water was the horror story.
One evening, a guest called down to the front desk asking for a plunger. He didn’t want any help from the staff. He refused anything but a plunger, so the clerk sent one up.
A half an hour later, the man visited the front desk with visible water stains on his pants up to his thighs. He wanted a new room.
When he was told the hotel was sold out, he started ranting and raving, but then he disappeared.
Thinking the situation was over, the hotel employee went about his business.
When his manager walked into his office the next morning, it was readily apparent the situation was not at all over.
The hotel manager’s office was filled with water. When he visited the room above his office, he found that it was the guest with the plunger’s room.
This hotel guest had the audacity to admit that he fell asleep and left the bathtub running.
But again, the story wasn’t over. Later that day a much older man stopped by the hotel and informed them his son had stolen his credit card and was staying at the hotel.
Unfortunately for all of them, it was the plunger-man.
#4: The Bachelor Party
We bet just about every hotel has a horror story of a bachelor party gone wrong, but we think this one takes the cake.
In this particular story, a group of bachelors was staying at a hotel, and you guessed it, they got very drunk before heading back to their rooms.
In the morning, after they’d gone, housekeeping was met with an absolute nightmare that began with a smell. The employees regarded it as the foulest smell they’d ever experienced.
First, we have to tell you there had only been two men staying in this room, yet it looked like an army.
Not only had they vomited everywhere, but they had pooped all over everything. It was on the beds, the floor, in the trashcan and smeared all over the walls.
The hotel employee could only surmise that they were so drunk they lost all bodily control.
In the end, the hotel had to completely remodel the room. They installed new beds, new carpet and even new paint on the walls.
Now for the good news – the hotel contacted them and made them pay for the entire remodel.
#5: The Pie Guy
In this hotel, they nicknamed one of their repeat guests “Pie Guy.”
He apparently visited the hotel repeatedly, yet without a reservation. He’d walk in, book a room, pay in cash and give the hotel a $100 cash deposit.
The next day, after he’d gone, they’d find the bathroom and the bathtub full. They were filled with the remnants of expensive pies. Had the man eaten them, they wondered?
Each time, he never returned to the desk to ask for his deposit. He must have known he wouldn’t get it back.
They were so confused, and a lot disturbed, so they added the man’s name to their “do not rent” list. Unfortunately, he would change his name and come back again and again.
Perhaps the most disturbing was the list they found on one occasion in his room. It was torn up and had the words pie and pants scribbled all over it multiple times.
A horror story? Yes!
#6: The Pile of Coleslaw
This one hits our list because it’s just so weird.
As the housekeeper tells the story, one day she walked into a room to clean it after the guests checked out.
She was immediately met with what she called a “funky” smell, but she couldn’t find the source of it.
Going about her business, she stripped the bed, pulled the sheets back and found the bed filled with coleslaw.
They never learned the purpose of the coleslaw, but we’re pretty sure those guests never returned.
#7: The White Room
A laboratory set up in a hotel room? Yes, but it’s not the kind of lab you think.
In this hotel, the guest stayed for three nights and set up a meth lab in the room.
He really had the hotel on high alert because for three days, their guests and staff complained about headaches.
It’s lucky no one was injured in this horror story.
#8: The Fingertip
We leave you with one last horror story.
One housekeeper had the dubious job of cleaning the hotel rooms after a rodeo had stopped by for the weekend.
Needless to say, the rooms were filthy. One room, though, was worse than the others as the bathroom was covered in blood.
When the innocent housekeeper started cleaning, she reached behind the toilet to grab a small object.
Turns out, it was a fingertip.
Final Thoughts
Now that you’ve read about eight room service horror stories and what happens when it all goes wrong, be sure to share your own stories with us below.
We’d love to hear about the weird stories and shenanigans at your hotel.
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Images: faungg’s photos via Visual Hunt / CC BY-ND and hepp via Visual Hunt / CC BY

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