A Humbling Client Testimonial
The thing I love most about my work on Hotel Propeller isn’t that I get to do what I love (designing websites) or share my office space with this furry fella.
It’s that I get to help small, local business owners, such as B&B and Guest House operators, do amazing things on the web. Things that normally only the big boys can afford to do.
What makes it all worth it is when I receive feedback from our customers, expressing how much value they’ve received from our service.
A few weeks ago, as I was putting together our new Client Showcase page, I asked one of our customers, Cheryl, owner of The Westside Guest House in Richmond, Indiana (go Hoosiers!) for a 2 sentence testimonial. What I received back was much more than that!
Read what Cheryl had to say about her experience with Hotel Propeller:
Hotel Propeller made it easy for us to upgrade our outdated Web site at a very reasonable cost.
For years (yes, years!), I had been searching for the right solution. The cost of hiring someone to create our site seemed out of reach (we are a very small business in a small market).
Since I’m familiar with WordPress, I had considered setting up the site myself, but I was unable to find a ready-made theme that had all the features I wanted — so I was leery of how much time I would have to spend going down the WordPress rabbit hole to make the site work as I wanted it to.
Hotel Propeller was the perfect solution — beautiful themes designed with businesses like ours in mind. Although I was tempted by the low cost of having the company set up our site, I opted to do it on my own.
I was delighted both by how easy it was to customize the look and content of our site, and by the speedy, efficient, pleasant customer service when I wanted to do things that were a little trickier.
In the end, it took me a week to accomplish something I had been agonizing over seemingly forever, at a cost that is a true bargain when you consider that Hotel Propeller handles all the technical stuff like server maintenance, software upgrades, etc., and makes it so easy to create a beautiful Web site for even a very small guest house.
Thanks Cheryl 🙂

Free Hotel Website Checklist
5 Essential tips for using your website to book more guests! Plus, a Free email course, Winning Web Strategies For Innkeepers.