Hotel Propeller Blog

Archive for the ‘Hotel Operations’ Category

5 Things Your Guests Wish Hoteliers Knew They Wanted

7 Things Your Guests Wish Hoteliers Knew They Wanted
Hoteliers generally want to increase customer retention. The most important thing you can do to accomplish this is provide your hotel guests with top notch service that meets all of their needs. This is the single best way to make your customer’s happy, garner repeat business, and get good...
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6 Signs You Might Need to Adjust Your Booking Rates

10 Signs You Might Need to Adjust Your Booking Rates
Revenue management for your hotel or bed and breakfast is key. As the owner of a hotel, your goal is to maximize your profits, and that starts with your room rates. In this article, we look at six signs you might need to adjust your booking rates to increase your revenue. #1: You Don’t...
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5 Tips for Hiring Quality Hotel Staff

7 Tips for Hiring Quality Hotel Staff
With more than 1,300,000 people employed in the hotel industry, many lodging properties are looking for ways to hire the best staff and keep them for the long-term. In today’s job market that can be a challenging task. To help you hire effectively and provide the best in customer service,...
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